It is the leading dental clinic in the city, providing all types of dental services in Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca.
The idea was to generate photographs of the staff (doctors, dentists, team in general) working in the different branches of the clinic, portrait photographs with the concept of cleanliness, clear and cheerful, friendly, these photographs were generated with studio lights moving the necessary equipment to generate photographs with the concept requested by the client.
Subsequently, photographs were taken in the field, specifically promoting a type of dental process to perform orthodontics and alignment of teeth through an apparatus and special machines, thus achieving the costs and times in the process.
Both sessions were carried out successfully and were positioned with real photos of orthodontists and staff working in different clinics, thus generating a greater engagement by being able to see on the billboards and advertising the same doctor who is the one who treats you, thus increasing the trust and love for the clinic.